Publications at Yale

1. Logelin, M.E.; Schreiber, E.; Mercado, B.; Burke, M.J.; Davis, C.; Bartholomew, A.K.* Exfoliation of a Metal-Organic Framework Enabled by Post-Synthetic Cleavage of a Dipyridyl Dianthracene Ligand. Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 15198-15204.

Publications from Prior Work

16. Meirzadeh, E.; Evans, A.; Rexaee, M.; Milich, M.; Dionne, C.J.; Darlington, T.P.; Bao, S.T.; Bartholomew, A. K.; Handa, T.; Rizzo, D.J.; Wiscons, R.; Reza, M.; Zangiabadi, A.; Fardian-Melamed, N.; Crowther, A.C.; Schuck, P.J.; Basov, D.N.; Zhu, X.-Y.; Giri, A.; Hopkins, P.E.; Kim, P.*; Steigerwald, M.L.; Yang, J.; Nuckolls, C.P.*; Roy, X.* A few-layer covalent network of fullerenes. Nature 2023, 613, 71.

15. Bartholomew, A.K.†*; Stone, I.B.†; Steigerwald, M.L.; Lambert, T.H.; Roy, X.* Highly Twisted Azobenzene Ligand Causes Crystals to Continuously Roll in Sunlight. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 16773. (†authors contributed equally).

14. Han, S.Y.; Mow, R.K.; Bartholomew, A.K.; Ng, F.; Steigerwald, M.L.; Roy, X.; Nuckolls, C.P.*; Wiscons, R.A.* Broad-band Chiral Absorbance of Visible Light. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 5263.

13. Bista, D.; Aydt, A.P.; Anderton, K.J.; Paley, D.W.; Betley, T.A.; Reber, A.C.; Chauhan, V.; Bartholomew, A.K.*; Roy, X.*; Khanna, S.N.*. High spin superatom stabilized by dual subshell filling. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 5172.

12. Bartholomew, A.K.; Meirzadeh, E.; Stone, I.B.; Koay, C.S.; Nuckolls, C.P.; Steigerwald, M.L.; Crowther, A.C.; Roy, X.* Superatom Regiochemistry Dictates the Assembly and Surface Reactivity of a 2D Material. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 1119.

11. Reed, D.A.; Hochuli, T.; Gadjieva, N.; He, S.; Wiscons, R.; Bartholomew, A.K.; Champsaur, A.; Steigerwald, M.L.; Roy, X.; Nuckolls, C.P.* Controlling Ligand Coordination Spheres and Cluster Fusion in Superatoms. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 306.

10. He, S.; Evans, A.; Meirzadeh, E.; Han, S.Y.; Russell, J.; Wiscons, R.A.; Bartholomew, A.K.; Reed, D.A.; Zangiabadi, A.; Steigerwald, M.L.; Nuckolls, C.P.*; Roy, X.* Site-selective Surface Modification of 2D Superatomic Re6Se8. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 74.

9. Bartholomew, A.K.; Musgrave, R.A.; Anderton, K.J.; Juda, C.E.; Dong, Y.; Bu, W.; Wang, S.-Y.; Chen, Y.-S.; Betley, T.A.* Revealing Redox Isomerism in Trichromium Imides by Anomalous Diffraction. Chemical Science 2021, 12, 15739.

8. Chen, J.; Vibbert, H.B.; Yao, C.; Bartholomew, A.K.; Aydt, A.P.; Jockusch, S.; Norton, J.R.; Hammond, M.; Rauch, M. Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Activity of Bimetallic Ti/Cr Complexes. Organometallics 2020, 39, 4592.

7. Gadjieva, N.A.; Szirmai, P.; Sági, O.; Alemany, P.; Bartholomew, A.K.; Stone, I.; Conejeros, S.; Paley, D.W.; Hernández Sánchez, R.; Fowler, B.; Peurifoy, S.R.; Náfrádi, B.; Forró, L.; Roy, X.; Batail, P.; Canadell, E.; Steigerwald, M.L.; Nuckolls, C.P.* Intermolecular Resonance Correlates Electron Pairs Down a Supermolecular chain: Antiferromagnetism in K-Doped p-Terphenyl. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 20624.

6. Gunasekaran, S.; Reed, D.A.; Paley, D.W.; Bartholomew, A.K.; Venkataraman, L.; Steigerwald, M.L.; Roy, X.; Nuckolls, C.P.* Single-Electron Currents in Designer Single-Cluster Devices. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 14924.

5. Telford, E.J.; Dismukes, A.H.; Lee, K.; Cheng, M.; Wieteska, A.; Bartholomew, A.K.; Chen, Y.-S.; Xu, X.; Pasupathy, A.N.; Zhu, X.; Dean, C.R.*; Roy, X.* Layered Antiferromagnetism Induces Large Negative Magnetoresistance in the van der Waals Semiconductor CrSBr. Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 2003240.

4. Bartholomew, A.K.†; Teesdale, J.J.†; Hernandez Sanchez, R.; Malbrecht, B.J.; Juda, C.E.; Menard, G.; Bu, W.; Iovan, D.A.; Mikhailine, A.A.; Zheng, S.L.; Sarangi, R.; Wang, S.G.; Chen, Y.S.; Betley, T.A.* Exposing the inadequacy of redox formalisms by resolving redox inequivalence within isovalent clusters. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2019, 116 (32), 15836-15841. (†authors contributed equally).

3. Bartholomew, A.K.; Juda, C.E.; Nessralla, J.N.‡; Lin, B.; Wang, S.G.; Chen, Y.S.; Betley, T.A.* Ligand-Based Control of Single-Site vs. Multi-Site Reactivity by a Trichromium Cluster. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2019, 58 (17), 5687-5691. (‡undergraduate coauthor).

2. Hernández Sánchez, R.; Bartholomew, A.K.; Powers, T.M.; Ménard, G.; Betley, T.A.* Maximizing Electron Exchange in a [Fe3] Cluster. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 2235.

1. Bartholomew, A.K.; Guard, L.M.; Hazari, N., Luzik, E.D.* Synthesis of Mg Complexes Supported by Tris-(1-pyrazolyl)phosphine. Aust. J. Chem. 2013, 66, 1455.